Discover the Revolution in Diagnostic Imaging

Real-Time Innovation & Streaming Diagnostic Examination Videos. At the forefront of health technology, nVirtual offers streaming of diagnostic imagingexams, raising the standards of Quality Control, Support, and Training in Ultrasound,MRI, and CT scans.

Termos Customizados

O laudo estruturado nativo pode ser customizado de acordo com a sua necessidade. Altere auto-textos e máscaras pensando em agilidade e acurácia.

Geração de Analytics

Experiência focada em resultados. Crie seus laudos estruturados e explore padrões de resultados e semelhanças entre diagnósticos e colete dados.

Segurança Médica

Sistema inteligente capaz de diminuir a incidência de erros, além de descrever de forma automatizada a análise e a opinião médica.

Alta Performance

Cálculos automáticos e padronizações ajustadas que permitem aumento de produtividade, garantindo a qualidade dos laudos emitidos.

Plataforma Web

Ambiente online que conecta médicos radiologistas com uma base de mais de 800 patologias na especialidade de Ultrassonografia.

API nReport

Integração dos dados dos laudos com o sistema de PACS-RIS de forma rápida e segura.

Modo Off-line

Melhora o desempenho da plataforma em ambientes com instabilidade de conexão com a internet.

nVirtual Platform

Uncover excellence with nVirtual. Our market-leading platform enables instant remote monitoring of Ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans, eliminating distances and transforming access to healthcare. With nVirtual, healthcare professionals monitor imaging exams in real-time, optimizing patient care and comfort.

Highlights of nVirtual

Patient Experience

We reduce the need for travel, offering convenience and peace of mind for remote exam monitoring.

Efficient Communication

We improve interactions between patients and medical teams, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and reinforcing continuous monitoring.

Updated Data

With real-time access, professionals make informed decisions, promoting more reactive and effective healthcare.

Proven Savings

We decrease costs for patients and healthcare providers and offer solutions that also serve the most remote locations.

Precise and Rapid Results

Our technologies ensure that exams are not only efficient but also thoroughly analyzed and validated by specialists.

Safety Without Borders

We support medical action in critical situations, ensuring quick and accurate responses in urgent cases and complex specialties.

Professional Training and Development

Technical Learning Center. We invest in the continuous training of teams, promoting the exchange of valuable experiences.

Continuous Medical Education

We implement education programs that adapt to the practical and scientific needs of the medical daily routine

Performance and Productivity Tailored

Performance-Based Evaluation. We use detailed analyses to constantly improve clinical performance.

Experienced Team

Our specialized team is ready to provide exclusive care, ensuring efficient operations and significant results.

Monitor, Assess, and Evolve with nVirtual.
digital management

Simplify patient care, expand your team'sefficiency, and reduce operational costs. Discover how nVirtual can be the key to thesuccess of your diagnostic imaging service. Contact us to learn more and take the next step toward innovation in health.

Platform description

Understand the details behind our service

Real-time remote monitoring of ultrasound, MRI, and CT exams is a technology that allows healthcare providers to view medical images instantly through the internet, without the need for patients to travel to the clinics or hospitals where the exams were performed. Looking at the benefits, Ionic Health has developed nVirtual: a platform that enables real-time remote monitoring of Ultrasound, MRI, and CT exams.

It helps to improve overall exam quality, gives the possibility for your technologists to be trained by more experienced ones, and enhances your team's skills, it offers a range of benefits for both patients and medical professionals.

For example, real-time remote monitoring allows patients to track their progress without having to make a special trip to the clinic or hospital every few days for follow-up images. This reduces patient anxiety and lowers overall costs for the healthcare system, as well as improves the patient experience. Real-time remote monitoring can be referred to as telemedicine, which is a term used to describe the use of technology to provide health care services and information remotely.

This form of health care can be very useful and beneficial in many situations. It is particularly useful when a patient doesn't have easy access to a health care provider. It can also be helpful in situations when there is a shortage of health care professionals, such as after a natural disaster.When it comes to real-time remote monitoring of ultrasound, MRI, and CT exams, there are many benefits for patients and medical providers. Here are some of the main advantages of real-time remote monitoring solutions:

Enhanced patient experience

Many patients prefer real-time remote monitoring over in-person visits due to increased convenience. This can lead to improved patient satisfaction and a reduced need for follow-up visits, which may be difficult for patients in rural areas or patients with disabilities who may have difficulty getting to the clinic

Reduced anxiety

Patients don’t need to travel to medical institutions for follow-up appointments, which can help reduce anxiety caused by travel. Remote monitoring also allows patients to see their progress and any changes in their condition over time

Improved communication

Remote monitoring can help improve communication between patients, health care providers, and medical team members. It can also reduce the risk of miscommunication

Real-time data access

Remote monitoring provides real-time data access and allows providers to make decisions based on the latest data. Some remote monitoring solutions can also prompt providers with alerts about abnormal results

Reduced costs for both patients and providers

Real-time remote monitoring reduces the need for in-person visits and can help reduce healthcare costs for both patients and healthcare providers. It can also lower travel costs in rural areas

Monitor and manage clinical engineering equipment


Transmitting and recording imaging sessions allows for efficient Quality Control, Support, and Training systems for Ultrasound, MRI, and Tomography exams.

Improved delivery of results to the patient

It expands the offer of quality exams, fostering active communication between specialists and generalists. The physician performing the exam may request support from the reviewer at any time during image acquisition or during the conclusion of the report


The role of the medical reviewer is essential in complex specialties or in urgent and emergency exams. Real-time support provides safety for the doctor on the front line, performing the exams, which are often not related to his specialty, and also for the patients, ensuring more effective care, avoiding cancellations or unnecessary re-calls to repeat the procedure, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the diagnosis

Technical Learning Center

The clients count on the support of a core of technical learning focused on the nursing teams and room assistants. The aim is to strengthen the exchange of experience, bringing a multiple perspective, interdisciplinary, participatory, in which the intervention on the health-disease process results in the interaction and exchange of knowledge among the various professionals involved

Continuing medical education programmes

Data-driven analysis brings evidence that can be applied in handson medical courses, in the development of personalized mentorships and in conducting scientific meetings. Besides being a model applicable in Medical Residency Programs, bringing greater security for preceptors and residents, besides expanding learning in a practical way and based on real cases

Analysis and review of results

Ultrasound examinations performed on the spot by general practitioners and specialists can be remotely monitored, analysed and reviewed in real time, with the aim of validating the quality of the result delivery. Besides acquiring the image and laudering, it is possible to have access to the exam screen

Evidence-based Performance Assessment

Methodology uses the results of reviews to learn about and measure practitioner performance, increasing analytical capacity and facilitating evidence-based intervention by managers

Prepared team

IONIC Health has a team ready to deliver a fantastic and personalized service to customers, throughout their journey, bringing significant results to the operation

Productivity, Quality and Impact Monitoring

Besides the quality of the service that is executed, it allows the productivity of each professional to be measured and the interferences that cause good or bad performance to be studied, even predicting the impacts on the organisation

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Equipe Técnica

Foto Pablo Juan Cruz

Pablo Juan Cruz

Head de Tecnologia & Plataformas Digitais

IONIC Health

Foto Doutor Osvaldo Landi

Dr. Osvaldo Landi

Consultor de Inovação &
Médico Radiologista


Foto Doutor Ivan Masselli

Dr. Ivan Masselli

Médico Radiologista


Foto Doutor Daniel Wu

Dr. Daniel Wu

Médico Radiologista


Digital Platforms

Meet the products that are revolutionising healthcare, making life easier for doctors and caring for patients

Monitoring & IoT

Real-time monitoring of clinical engineering and infrastructure equipment


Detection (IoT) for remote monitoring of clinical engineering equipment and infrastructure.


Teleoperation & Remote Control

Remote control of clinical equipment


The future of remote technology in medical imaging


Real-time access, collaboration, support and training of clinical equipment


Structured Reports

Preparation of diagnostic imaging reports with analysis.


Voice recognition for medical reports in Portuguese language.
